Nikolay D. Zaitsev - Santa Lucia
Eng /
"Modeling mosquitoes and viruses by cellular automata and Petri nets" talk to 1st Online Conference on Society, Health and Economics, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain, May 19, 2021
"Speed-up Solving Linear Systems on Parallel Architectures via Aggregation of Clans" talk at LVEE 2019 ( Slides )
Erasmus+ talk at Barcelona Supercomputing Center "Speed-up Solving Linear Systems via Composition of Clans" (Info), Jan 31, 2019
Webinar "Sleptsov Net Computing: The Solution to Hyper-Computations Supporting Cybersecurity and Other Applications", Mar 28, 2018
Invited lecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark - "Infinite Petri Nets"
(Slides), 11.10.17
Invited lecture at Stony Brook University, New York - "Sleptsov Net Computing"
Slides), 10.10.17
Principal Theoretical Results
Principal Scientific-Practical Results
ParAd - software system for solving big sparse Diophantine systems on parallel and distributed architecture via clan composition
Plug-in modules for Petri net modelling system Tina: Deborah - decomposition into clans, Adriana and ParAd - compositional computing Petri net invariants
Petri net models of networking protocols:TCP, BGP, IOTP, ECMA
Software generators of Petri net models of grids: square, hypercube, hypertorus
Colored Petri net models of networks: Ethernet, IP, MPLS, Bluetooth, PBB, E6, blockchain
Stack of networking protocols E6 and its implementation in Linux kernel
Opera-Topaz - Petri net based production control and management software system
Nevod - Petri net modeling system for embedded applications
Cross-meta-assembler - cross platform adjustable assembler
- 1981-1986 Donetsk Polytechnic Institute (DPI), Applied Mathematics
- 1988-1991 post graduate course, DPI, Computer Science
- 1991 Academic Council of Kiev Cybernetics Institute Ac.Sci. Ukraine, Ph.D., Automated Control
- 2006 Academic Council of ONAT, Dr.Sci., Telecommunication Systems and Networks
- 1986-1996 DPI, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (AMI): 1986-1992 assistant professor, 1992-1996 associate professor; chief programmer in software development projects; system programmer; computer network administrator
- 1997-1998 Surgut State University, Department of Computer Science and Informatics, associate professor; chief of Network Technology Laboratory
- 1999-2003 Information and Computer Centre of Odessa Railway, leader engineer
- 2002-2006 ONAT, Department of Communication Networks, associate professor
- 2006- Professor
- March 2005 University Paris-Dauphine, invite professor
- 2009-2019 International Humanitarian University, Department of Computer Engineering, professor
- 2014-2019 Vistula University, Department of Computer Science, professor
- July-August 2015 Technical University of Dortmund, visiting professor, DAAD fellowship
- August 2015, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, invited professor
- Autumn 2017 Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, USA, Visiting Professor (Fulbright Scholarship)
- July 2018 Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, Visiting Professor
- 2019- Odessa State Environmental University, Department of Information Technology, professor
- April-July 2022 Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, visiting professor
- August 2022-November 2023 Université Côte d'Azur, France, visiting professor
- December 2022- Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, visiting professor
- Recent projects:
"Analysis of computational grids efficiency via Colored Petri Nets" - Austria-Ukraine cooperation grant, 2013-2014;
"Production control with Petri nets" - China-Ukraine cooperation grant, 2011-2012;
"Developing New Addressing Systems for World-Wide Networks (?6)" - state grant, 2008-2009;
"Verification of Complex Networking Protocols", 2007-2008, grant NATO ICS.NUKR.CLG 982698;
"Simulating Backbone MPLS Networks", Ukrtelekom, 2007-2008
- Science:
Petri Net Theory and Applications.
Senior Member of IEEE.
Senior Member of ACM.
Applications: analysis and synthesis of telecommunication networks, production management and control.
- Teaching work:
Lectures: Networking Technology, Modeling of Systems and Networks, Operating Systems, System Software. Supervision of diploma works. Former lectures: Computer Networks, Information Technology, Data Bases, Discrete Mathematics, Packets of Applied Programs, section Petri nets in course Theoretical Foundations of Informatics. Practical and laboratory: Programming, System Programming, Theoretical Foundations of Computers, Theoretical Foundations of Informatics, Computer Graphics, Organisation of Computing Processes, Theory of Computer Systems.
- Software development:
Chief programmer in development of enterprise management and control system "Opera-Topaz" - about 100 thousands lines of source code, C. Took part in development about four software systems of middle-high complexity (C, Pascal). Usage: Korolyova Corporation, Kiev; Motorsich Corporation, Zaporizhzhe; Topaz Corporation, Donetsk (producer of ?Kolchuga?). Programming languages: C, Pascal, Assemblers. DBMS: Oracle.
- Telecommunications and networks administration:
Creation of Internet site Development of Internet site Network and telecommunication equipment administration. Platforms: Sun SPARC/Solaris and other Unix; Cisco; MS Windows 9x/NT/2000.
Training courses
- 1986 System Programmer of RSX11M (DEC), LIMTU, St.Petersburg
- 1994 Organisation of Business in HiTech, RPI (USA) in Kiev
- 1995 Internet and Web Technology, DEC in Apatity, Russia
- 2002 Administration of Modern OS and DBMS, DIIT, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
- Yachting, alpine ski, bridge, mahjong
Photo Albums
Mahjong with Dima Zaitsev
Ode to Jack Dongarra (Exascale Jack)
ETH 0x0882dE5D9944Fe353243bAbF2b49A15C15A18628
"Petri nets are among the more interesting constructs in mathematics. I have used them in the analysis of program flow and
Dmitri Zaitsev's book explores other properties of these unique and powerful constructs."
Vinton Cerf - Father of Internet, President of ACM, Chief Internet Evangelist of Google