Sleptsov net computing is a novel paradigm based on a completely graphical language of concurrent programming and computing-memory mass parallel hardware yielding hyper-performance and reliable verified systems, using present technology.
Motivation: The low efficiency of modern computers on a real-life mixture of tasks because of the processor-memory bottleneck, which is only partially mended by multilayer cache. After Jack Dongarra, efficiency of the supercomputer Frontier is 0.8%.
Invited talk "Sleptsov Net Computing" (slides ) for The 3rd International Colloquium on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Jul 13, 2024, Xi'an, China
Dmitry Zaitsev (2023) Sleptsov Net Computing resolves problems of modern supercomputing revealed by Jack Dongarra in his Turing Award talk in November 2022, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. - in 2 months became the most read paper of IJPEDS
Dmitry Zaitsev, Sleptsov Net Computing, Invited OLF Fulbright lecture at Stony Brook University, New York, USA, Oct 10, 2017. Watch: Video record
R. Xu, S. Zhang, D. Liu and D. A. Zaitsev, "Sleptsov net based reliable embedded system design on microcontrollers and FPGAs," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), Wuhan, China, 2024, pp. 1-8.
Tatiana R. Shmeleva, Ivan D. Zaitsev, and Werner Retschitzegger, GPU Based Virtual Machine for Sleptsov Net Computing Parallel Processing Letters, Online November 22 2024
Dmitry A. Zaitsev, Tatiana R. Shmeleva, Qing Zhang, and Hongfei Zhao, Virtual Machine and Integrated Developer Environment for Sleptsov Net Computing Parallel Processing Letters, Online June 06 2023
Qing Zhang, Ding Liu, Yifan Hou, Sleptsov Net Processor, in 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T), 10-12 October 2022, Kharkiv, Ukraine, doi: 10.1109/PICST57299.2022.10238599
Hongfei Zhao, Ding Liu, Yifan Hou, Compiler and Linker of Sleptsov Net Program, in 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T), 10-12 October 2022, Kharkiv, Ukraine, doi: 10.1109/PICST57299.2022.10238607
Dmitry A. Zaitsev, NDRtoSN: Converter of Tina NDR Petri net file to Sleptsov Net file.
Qing Zhang, SN-VM: Sleptsov net Virtual Machine.
Hongfei Zhao, HSNtoLSN: Compiler-linker of hierarchical Sleptsov net programs.
Tatiana R. Shmeleva, SN-VM-GPU: Sleptsov Net Virtual Machine on Graphics Processing Unit.
Bernard Berthomieu, François Vernadat, Silvano dal Zilio, Tina: TIme petri Net Analyzer.
Maxsteps options in TINA 3.8.0 implement Sleptsov nets
How to use Tina for SN design: Draw, edit, debug, and verify SN programs in nd Verify big SN programs in sift, selt, scan, and tedd Run SN program in walk