Dmitry A. Zaitsev

News from Zaitsev

ru: Новости от Зайцева

27.08.2024 Invited talk "Generalised neighbourhood for cellular automata" for Talks on unconventional computing and beyond, 27 August 2024, Unconventional Computing Laboratory, 2X242, UWE Bristol, Frenchay Campus, BS16 1QY, UK

15.08.2024 Keynote talk "Sleptsov Net Computing resolves modern supercomputing problems" for 3rd Unifying Borders Internationally through Annual Network (UBIAN) Conference 2024, University of Batangas, Batangas City, Philippines

14.07.2024 Invited talk "Sleptsov Net Computing" (slides ) for The 3rd International Colloquium on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Jul 13, 2024, Xi'an, China

23.06.2024 - 14.07.2024 Visiting XIDIAN University, Xi'an, China for summer school, joint MS student supervision in the frames of the Silk Road program MoE, China, and joint research

09.06.2024 New GitHub repository presentation Reliable Embedded System Graphical Design in Sleptsov Net Machine

25.05.2024 Upcoming keynote talk to 2024 2nd Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (WPRDM 2024), China during December 7th-8th, 2024, "Sleptsov Net Computing"

04.05.2024 Keynote talk to IEEE-ISML: Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning conference (#60050), 4-5 May 2024, Hyderabad, India, "Infinite Petri Nets and Artificial Intelligence to Answer Modern Calls for Systems Verification"

06.02.2024 Keynote talk to ARCI' 2024: Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry: 4th IFSA Winter Conference, 7-9 FEBRUARY 2024, INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA "Infinite Petri Nets for Cybersecurity of Intelligent Networks, Grid and Clouds"

06.02.2024 A word with: Visiting Professor Dmitry A. Zaitsev

15.01.2024 Paper published: Fast Local Rules Based Switching and Routing Within Multidimensional Torus Interconnect, Parallel Processing Letters

01.01.2024 Conference paper published on IEEE Xplore: "Reenterable colored Petri net model of Ebola virus dynamics."

15.12.2023 Tutorial of ICMLANT 2023: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning with Orange.

13.12.2023 Paper published: Bernard Berthomieu and Dmitry A. Zaitsev, "Sleptsov Nets are Turing-complete", Theoretical Computer Science, 13 December, 2023.

24.10.2023 Open access paper published: Verification of cryptocurrency consensus protocols: reenterable colored Petri net model design

12.10.2023 Invited talk to RP'2023 on Oct 10-13, 2023: Sleptsov Net Computing Resolves Modern Supercomputing Problems , based on advances on SNC

23.09.2023 Keynote talk to ICMETE 2023: "Clans for HPS: Composition of clans to speed-up solving sparse linear systems on parallel and distributed architecture", Sep 23, 2023

31.07.2023 Editor of Elsevier's book "Applied Graph Data Science: Graph Algorithms and Platforms, Knowledge Graphs, Neural Networks, and Applied Use Cases" to appear in 2024.

30.06.2023 Dmitry Zaitsev, "Sleptsov Net Computing resolves problems of modern supercomputing revealed by Jack Dongarra in his Turing Award talk in November 2022" in 2 months became the most read paper of International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2023

27.06.2023 Lectures in "Algorithms and Complexity" for Summer School of XIDIAN University at the site. During 2020-2022 remote sessions, 272 students joined the course

17.06.2023 Conceptual paper, opening a new trend - no water neither in text nor in references - published: Bernard Berthomieu, Dmitry A. Zaitsev, "Sleptsov Nets are Turing-complete", arXiv:2306.12440, Sat, 17 Jun 2023 12:05:45 UTC

06.06.2023 Virtual Machine and Integrated Developer Environment for Sleptsov Net Computing Parallel Processing Letters

21.04.2023 Sleptsov Net Computing Resolves Modern Supercomputing Problems, The April 21, 2023, edition of ACM TechNews

19.04.2023 Editorial paper: Dmitry Zaitsev, Sleptsov Net Computing resolves problems of modern supercomputing revealed by Jack Dongarra in his Turing Award talk in November 2022 International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2023

26.01.2023 Talk at CNAM/CEDRIC, Paris "Infinite Petri nets for Cybersecurity of Intelligent Networks, Grids and Clouds", Jan 26, 2023, 10:00 (Paris). Join with MS Teams (no installation required).

09.01.2023 Python Bootcamp, SKEMA, Nice - Paris - Lille: start coding in a few days with special technique of intensive training!

13.12.2022 Editor of Special Issue on Modeling and Simulation based Intelligent Embedded Computing Systems in Industrial Internet of Things of International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing

12.12.2022 Seminar "Composition of clans to speed-up solving sparse linear systems on parallel and distributed architecture" Laboratoire Dieudonné, Université Côte d'Azur, 12.12.2022, 12:00 CET, Zoom link will appear on Dec 5.

24.11.2022 CORE A journal paper published: Dmitry A. Zaitsev, Strong Sleptsov Nets are Turing Complete, Information Sciences, 2022.

24.09.2022 Keynote talk to ICMETE 2022, SRM Institute of Science and Technology Delhi NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, India

25.08.2022 JCR journal paper published: Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger, Tatiana R. Shmeleva & Dmitry A. Zaitsev (2022) Modelling proof-of-work agreement protocol by coloured Petri nets, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 37:6, 597-612.

28.03.2022 Tutorial of IEEE EDUCON 2022: Global Engineering Education Conference, Tunis, Tunisia, "Modeling networks, grids, and clouds by colored Petri nets"

26.12.2021 Keynote talk "Clan composition for HPC" 26.12.2021, 6:30 Kyiv Time to 4th International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications

04.12.2021 Цикл лекций для Ришельевского Лицея, Одесса: Моделирование сетями Петри и Слепцова. Лекция 5. Организация вычислений на сетях Слепцова

27.11.2021 Цикл лекций для Ришельевского Лицея, Одесса: Моделирование сетями Петри и Слепцова. Лекция 4. Оценка производительности систем окрашенными сетями Петри

23.11.2021 Invited talk "Infinite Petri Nets for Cybersecurity of Intelligent Networks, Grid, and Clouds" to

20.11.2021 Цикл лекций для Ришельевского Лицея, Одесса: Моделирование сетями Петри и Слепцова. Лекция 3. Анализ вычислительных решеток и облаков бесконечными сетями Петри

13.11.2021 Цикл лекций для Ришельевского Лицея, Одесса: Моделирование сетями Петри и Слепцова. Лекция 2. Методы анализа моделей. Композиция кланов

06.11.2021 Цикл лекций для Ришельевского Лицея, Одесса: Моделирование сетями Петри и Слепцова. Лекция 1. Верификация протоколов сетями Петри

27.10.2021 FSDM 2021 keynote talk "High Performance and Unconventional Computing for Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining"

20.10.2021 CSAE2021 keynote talk "Sleptsov net computing"

05.10.21 PIC&ST2121 talk. Dmitry Zaitsev, Tatiana Shmeleva and David Probert "Two Kinds of Infinite Petri Nets for Modeling Computing and Communication Systems"

13.08.21 IEEE AFRICON 2021 Tutorial "Performance evaluation of networks, grids, and clouds by colored Petri nets"

12.08.21: Zaitsev Neighborhood for Cellular Automata - a keynote talk to International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology, August 13-15, 2021

23.06.21: Infinite Petri Nets for Cybersecurity of Intelligent Networks, Grid, and Clouds - a keynote talk to International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT'2021), Zilina, Slovakia

23.06.21: Modeling Multidimensional Communication Lattices with Moore Neighborhood by Infinite Petri Nets - a talk to International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT'2021), Zilina, Slovakia

19.05.21: Modeling mosquitoes and viruses by cellular automata and Petri nets - a talk to 1st Online Conference on Society, Health and Economics

06.02.21: Sleptsov Net Computing - a keynote talk to ICNGIoT-2021: International Conference on Next Generation of Internet of Things

05.02.21: Analyzing Multidimensional Communication Lattice with Combined Cut-through and Store-and-forward Switching Node - a talk to ICNGIoT-2021: International Conference on Next Generation of Internet of Things

25.12.20: Entered Editorial Board of Business Informatics

05.12.20: Editor of SI IJPEDS Petri/Sleptsov Net Based Technology of Programming for Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems

04.12.20: Universal Petri and Sleptsov nets - an invited talk for the 2020 International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing (ISAIC 2020)

13.11.20: Synthesis of fuzzy logic functions defined in tabular form - an invited talk for the 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM 2020), November 13-16, 2020, Microsoft Teams

07.11.20: Sleptsov Net Computing - an international webinar, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

23.10.20: Modeling by Infinite Petri Nets - International e-Seminar on Control and Systems Theory, 23.10.2020 at 3:00 PM CEST ( Register )

06.10.20: Switching vs Routing within Multidimensional Torus Interconnect - a welcome speech for PIC&ST2020 ( Slides )

26.09.20: Zaitsev Neighborhood for Cellular Automata - a keynote talk for 4th International Conference on Micro Electronics and Telecommunications, Sep 26, 2020 ( Slides )

16.09.20: ts released - Torus Simulator: simulator of traffic within multidimensional torus interconnect

13.05.20: Dmitry Zaitsev, Piotr Luszczek Docker Container based PaaS Cloud Computing Comprehensive Benchmarks using LAPACK (Video)

13.05.20: Talk to IEEE webinar (May 22, 2020, 10:00 GMT): Modeling Grid and Cloud Computing Systems by Infinite Petri Nets

20.04.20: Talk to CMIS-2020: Docker Container based PaaS Cloud Computing Comprehensive Benchmarks using LAPACK

09.04.20: A paper published by IEEE Xplore: Dmitry Zaitsev, Tatiana Shmeleva, and Alexander Kostikov, Clans Aggregation for Verification of Networking Protocols on Parallel Architectures, DOI: 10.1109/PICST47496.2019.9061392

02.03.20 Talk "Methodology of modeling with Petri nets" to Training School on Optimal Control Theory, Mathematical Modelling and Mosquito Control Strategies 2.-4.March 2020 in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands/Spain), IMAAC project (EU COST Action 16227) ( Press release )

09.10.19 Talk "Clans Aggregation for Verification of Networking Protocols on Parallel Architectures" to IEEE International Scientific and Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology PIC S&T′2019 (Slides)

08.10.19 Talk "Composition of Clans for Solving Linear Systems on Parallel Architectures" at VM Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine (Slides)
08.10.19 ru: Доклад "Композиция кланов для решения линейных систем на параллельных архитектурах" в Институте кибернетики имени В.М. Глушкова НАН Украины (Слайды)

23.08.19 Talk "Speed-up Solving Linear Systems on Parallel Architectures via Aggregation of Clans" to LVEE 2019 (Abstract Slides)

06.05.19: A paper published: Dmitry A. Zaitsev, Tatiana R. Shmeleva and Jan Friso Groote, Verification of Hypertorus Communication Grids by Infinite Petri Nets and Process Algebra, IEEE/CAA J. of Autom. Sinica, 6(3), 2019, 733-742. DOI: 10.1109/JAS.2019.1911486

23.02.19: A book chapter published: Zaitsev D.A. and Shmeleva T.R. Modeling With Colored Petri Nets: Specification, Verification, and Performance Evaluation of Systems. In Automated Systems in the Aviation and Aerospace Industries. IGI-Global: USA, 2019.

31.01.19: Erasmus+ talk at Barcelona Supercomputing Center: "Speed-up Solving Linear Systems via Composition of Clans" (Video)

19.12.18: ParAd-1.1.2 released on GitHub. ParAd speeds-up solving a linear Diophantine homogeneous (sparse) system via composition of its clans on parallel architectures.

22.11.18: University of Belgrade, Lecture-tutorial. Simulating Computer Networks by colored Petri Nets
ru: Университет Белграда, лекция-обучение. Моделирование компьютерных систем раскрашенными сетями Петри

20.11.18: TELFOR 2018 Invited talk (slides) "Reenterable Colored Petri Net Models of Networks, Grids, and Clouds: Case Study for Provider Backbone Bridge"

05.10.18: A report on visiting professorship in USA: Dmitry Zaitsev, Stanimire Tomov, Jack Dongarra. Solving Linear Diophantine Systems on Parallel Architectures, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

12.07.18: GitHub: Generator of mCRL2 models of a d-dimensional communication grid connected in a hypertorus

22.03.18: Welcome to Upcoming Webinar - "Sleptsov Net Computing: The Solution to Hyper-Computations Support Cybersecurity and Other Applications" (Register)

12.02.18: ParTou - the fastest tool to compute Petri net linear invariants on multicore architectures has been released (10 times speed-up). @ 2018 Dmitry Zaitsev, Stanimire Tomov, and Jack Dongarra

25.01.18: Complex Systems 26(4), USA. "Infinite Petri Nets: Part 2, Modeling Triangular, Hexagonal, Hypercube and Hypertorus Structures"

14.01.18: Приглашенный профессор, США (Основные достижения: 1, 2, 3, 4)

21.11.17: Zaitsev D.A. "A generalized neighborhood for cellular automata" on PlumX Metrics - Top Social Media Articles

11.10.17: Invited lecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark - "Infinite Petri Nets" (Video, Slides)

10.10.17: Invited lecture at Stony Brook University, New York - "Sleptsov Net Computing" (Video, Slides)

15.09.17: "Clans of linear systems" - a Friday launch talk at Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, USA. Slides

01.09.17: Visiting Professor (Fulbright Scholarship) to Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, USA

31.08.17: JCR paper, Old City Publishing: Simulating Cellular Automata by Infinite Petri Nets

19.07.17: Complex Systems 26(2), USA. "Infinite Petri Nets: Part 1, Modeling Square Grid Structures"

23.05.17: "Sleptsov net Computing" chapter (672) appears in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, USA

23.02.17: A keynote talk "Universal Petri and Sleptsov Nets" to ISC'2017, 15th Annual Industrial Simulation Conference, May 31-June 2, 2017, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

14.02.17: Entered the Computer Science Laboratory (LCCOMP), Mexico City

27.01.17: A talk: "Universal Petri and Sleptsov Nets", Fakultat fur Informatik, Technische Universitat Munchen

20.01.17: JCR paper, Taylor&Francis: Universal Sleptsov Net

07.12.16: GitHub: Synthesis of fuzzy logic functions given by a choice table

22.11.16: JCR paper, Elsevier: A generalized neighborhood for cellular automata Сэлфи с видом на Кибернетику и системный анализ (Белорусский электронный центр Наука)
27.09.16: Selfie with a view on Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (Repost on: ACM News)

17.06.16: JCR paper, Springer: Security of grid structures under disguised traffic attacks

16.06.16: GitHub: depn new release contains depnz to generate nets which are Busy Beavers for Petri nets

03.06.16: GitHub: Generator of Petri nets which count double exponent 2^2^k after R.J.Lipton & J.Esparza constructs

02.06.16: Model Checking Contest, Surprise Models for 2016: HypertorusGrid and TCPcondis

28.05.16: arXiv: k-neighborhood for Cellular Automata

06.04.16: JCR paper: Programming in the Sleptsov net language for systems control

25.03.16: SETCAC2016: Keynote Speakers ЯрГУ им. П.Г. Демидова: Приглашаем к сотрудничеству

18.02.16: VU: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences Accepts Professor Dmitry Zaitsev's New Integer Sequence

17.02.16: IGI-Global: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences Accepts Professor Dmitry Zaitsev's New Integer Sequence

12.02.16: JCR paper: Sequential composition of linear systems clans

28.01.16: Github: Generators of Petri net models of a square grid with the following edge conditions: open edges, plugs on edges, truncated devices on edges, respectively

24.12.15: OEIS A266213: Square array A(n,r), the number of neighbors at a sharp Manhattan distance r in a finite n-hypercube lattice, read by upwards antidiagonals

30.11.15: OEIS A265014: Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) = number of neighbors in n-dimensional lattice for generalized neighborhood given with parameter k

20.11.15: NCNR seminar: Modeling systems with infinite Petri and Sleptsov Nets

12.11.15: Github: Generators of canvas for Petri net models of hypertorus (hypercube) grid with Moore's, von-Neumann's, and generalized neighborhoods

09.09.15: Presentation at 7th Conference on Machines, Computations and Universality MCU2015

30.08.15: LNCS: Universality in Infinite Petri Nets

01.08.15: IGI-Global video-lectire: Petri Nets for Modeling and Computing

28.07.15: TUD seminar: Petri Nets for Manufacture, Networking, and Computing

24.07.15: Github: Generator of hypertorus Petri net models

01.07.15: JCR paper: Sleptsov Nets Run Fast

08.06.15: Presentation at 21st International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems AUTOMATA2016

Dmitry A. Zaitsev